Thought Leadership

Build Your Career by Attending the Static & Formal Verification University at DAC 2021

Among the reasons to go to university are the opportunities to open new career paths by learning new technical skills, as well as socializing with other students. Attendees of the upcoming Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Francisco from December 6–8, will get to do both. We invite you to take your knowledge to new heights with Siemens EDA Static & Formal Verification University, where verification experts will present on a wide variety of topics and hold office hours. There will also be faculty-student socials throughout the conference.

Here are the classes you can take:

Presentations in the Siemens EDA booth (2nd floor, #2521)

  • Equivalence Checking for FPGA flows – Monday December 6, 3:30PM
  • “The Dog Ate My RTL” Doesn’t Work Anymore – Tuesday December 7, 2:00PM
  • Formal 101 – Fast, Scalable Formal Verification Made Easy – Wednesday December 8, 2:00PM

DAC Designer Track session (2nd floor Rooms 2010 and 2012)

Ensuring Completeness of Formal Verification with GapFree: Are we done yet? — Tuesday December 7, 11:22AM

DAC Poster Session (2nd floor, area 2367)

  • Beyond Lint – Monday December 6, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Formal Verification of Safety Mechanisms – Tuesday, December 7, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Ensuring Completeness of Formal Verification with GapFree: Are we done yet? – Tuesday December 7, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Attaining Consistent RTL Quality and Improving Development Cycles with GIT Continuous Integration Tools – Wednesday December 8, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
  • Verifying Reset and Power Domains Together (preventing issues being introduced by UPF) – via Virtual DAC

Office hours with static and formal verification technologists are open for the duration of the DAC expo floor hours: Monday December 6 through Wednesday December 8, from 10:00 AM to 6:00PM. Contact McKenzie at to setup a private meeting.

Finally, start your day in the Siemens EDA booth (2nd floor, #2521) with a caffeine jolt from our handcrafted espresso bar, and then stop by the OneSpin: A Siemens Business booth (1st floor, #1539) in the afternoon for wine and cheese from California’s Napa Valley. Both spaces offer comfortable lounges where you can mingle and catch up with likeminded verification enthusiasts.

Join us!

Joe Hupcey III,
Siemens EDA Static & Formal Verification University

P.S. For in-depth instruction on RISC-V focused topics, be sure to visit our colleagues in the RISC-V Pavilion (2nd floor, Booth B7)

Joe Hupcey III

I am a product marketing and management professional, who brings a unique combination of hands-on engineering experience, an insightful understanding of what customers need in today’s ever-growing complex environment, and a proven ability to create winning messages that differentiate my company’s offerings from those of the competitors’. The context of this activity is the high-stakes race for more powerful chips and systems, whose complexity continues to double every 18 months even today.

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