Thought Leadership

UVM DVCon 2014 Tutorial Video Online

DVCon 2014 Conference Proceedings Published

2014DVCon_logoWith record attendance announced for DVCon 2014, one might wonder if there is really a need to put some of the “Accellera Day” tutorial videos online.  With more than 1,000 professionals attending in some capacity, it would be easy to conclude that everyone that needs to know about UVM and the developments on the updated version to it, probably know.  Looking at just the LinkedIn design and verification forums one will realize there are 10’s of thousands who would have benefited if they had attended DVCon.  Thus, sharing this information more broadly is in order.

UVM Tutorial Video

UVM – What’s Now and What’s Next” is the tittle of the DVCon 2014 tutorial on UVM.  It covered use cases and pragmatic topics of the current UVM 1.1 standard as well as advanced topics for the next update, UVM 1.2.  The presenters covered sequence creation, register layer use, TLM-based communication, test execution, run-time phases and messaging enhancements.

The tutorial was split into five separate sections delivered by five speakers as follows:

  • Working Group Update: Adam Sherer, Accellera (7 min.)
  • Overview and Library Concepts: John Aynsley, Doulos (36 min.)
  • Stimulus Generation: Shawn Honess, Synopsys (21 min.)
  • UVM Register Layer: Tom Fitzpatrick, Mentor Graphics (36 min.)
  • UVM 1.2 Introduction: Uwe Simm, Cadence Design Systems (25 min.)

You can find out more information about the online tutorial videos hereRegistration is required, but there is no charge for access.  Once you have registered, you will get links to each of the five sections.  You can stream them or download them for offline access as you wish.  They are suitable for viewing on your computer or mobile devices.

DVCon 2014 Proceedings

DVCon 2014 was a full conference; it was more than just the the Accellera Day UVM Tutorial.  And in keeping with DVCon tradition, the conference proceedings are made available to all several months after the conference without charge.  If you visit the DVCon history area, you will find the 2014 proceedings have been published.  What I like about the DVCon proceedings it not only are the papers published, but the slides that were presented at the conference will often accompany the paper.

As an example, if you were interested in the DVCon 2014 Best Oral Presentation paper and presentation (Kelly D. Larson from NVIDIA on , “Determining Test Quality through Dynamic Runtime Monitoring of SystemVerilog Assertions” by the way), you will now find both the paper and presentation available online here.

For all those who did not make it to DVCon 2014, or who were there and could not see everything, the proceedings are now online and the first of the Accellera Day tutorials videos is published. Accellera is busy readying its other tutorial videos.  I’ll share information on their availability as they appear in the weeks and months ahead.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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