Thought Leadership

Verification Horizons: The DAC 2015 Issue

VA DAC2015 smlIf you were not one of the 100’s of visitors to the Verification Academy booth at DAC 2015 and missed an opportunity to get a printed copy of the DAC 2015 issue of Verification Horizons, don’t worry.  You can also download it as well.

Questa Vanguard Partners Highlighted

Eight of the eleven articles were authored or co-authored by our partners and represent a wide range of topics.  There are two articles on DO-254 (Partners: eInfochips and Verisense).  There is an article on Formal and ABV of MBIST MCPs (Parnter: FishTail Design Automation).  There is an article on how to start formal analysis “right” (Partner: OSKI).  For UVM users, reuse of MATLAB® functions and Simulink® functions is covered (Partner: Mathworks).  Continuing with another article for the UVM users, intelligent testbench automation with UVM and Questa® is explored (Partner: Codasip Ltd.).  For the Agile community, unit testing your way to a reliable testbench is explored (Partner: XtremeEDA & User company: NVIDIA).  Lastly, a noted emulation consultant (Lauro Rizzatti) shares part 2 of his three decades of emulation evolution and a customer paper (Marvell) covers techniques to accelerate RTL simulation.

VH DAC 2015 CoverAll of this is inside the 60-page mega-issue of Verification Horizons in 11 articles.  Direct links to each of the articles is shared below along with the article titles and authors.  The editor introduction by Tom Fitzpatrick gives even more detail and background on this issue.  If you don’t already have some summer or vacation reading, get your electronic copy today!

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at