Thought Leadership

Upcoming Verification Academy Live Seminar in Westford, MA

The Verification Academy has experience remarkable growth beyond our wildest dreams when we first conceived of the idea back in 2007. Our goal then (and still today) for creating the Verification Academy was to provide the most comprehensive resource available dedicated to building functional verification skills in the industry. In fact, today the verification academy has over 56,000 members.

But perhaps what I enjoy most about working with the Verification Academy is when we hit the road and go live! I am excited to announce that my colleague Tom Fitzpatrick, and a whole host of technical experts, will join me in Westford, MA on April 9, 2019 for a half-day Verification Academy seminar. This seminar introduces multiple technical approaches that you can use to advance your verification methodology.

In this seminar we will present the latest verification trends from the 2018 Wilson Research Group Functional Verification Study, and then introduce the UVM Framework, which is a code base and code generator used to rapidly implement a UVM verification testbench. We will also present efficient techniques for writing constraints to characterize stimulus and configuration, creating prediction models, and defining coverage models with rapid testbench development utilizing the Questa Verification IP configurator. Finally, we will show you how to introduce various formal apps and hardware-based acceleration to efficiently address some of today’s most complex functional verification challenges.

Please join me in Westford, MA on April 9 for the Advance Your Verification Methodology: Verification Academy Live Seminar.

Harry Foster

Harry Foster is Chief Scientist Verification for the Design Verification Technology Division of Mentor, A Siemens Business; and is the Co-Founder and Executive Editor for the Verification Academy. In addition, Harry is serving as the 2021 Design Automation Conference General Chair. He holds multiple patents in verification and has co-authored six books on verification. Harry was the 2006 recipient of the Accellera Technical Excellence Award for his contributions to developing industry standards, and was the original creator of the Accellera Open Verification Library (OVL) standard.

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