Thought Leadership

Latest Verification Horizons Newsletter is Out

The latest edition of our Verification Horizons Newsletter is available (here or here). As always, the issue is full of awesome articles, but I wanted to highlight one in particular. In “Simplifying Assertion Validation Using UVM Callbacks,” my colleague Arushi Jain discusses a really cool feature of our Questa VIP (a.k.a. “QVIP”) components. As fully-compliant UVM, QVIP components naturally support the uvm_callback class. Now, those of you who have been following me over the years know that I’m not a huge fan of callbacks, but in this case Arushi shows a really cool application of them.

For those of you not familiar with QVIP, it is an extensive library of protocol-specific verification components, each of which includes UVM test sequences, coverage, assertions and coverage that helps you make sure that your DUT correctly implements the protocol you intended. The article does a great job of illustrating how to use the callback mechanism for error injection to make sure that your environment can detect and recover gracefully from such errors.

At our next Verification Academy Live event in Westford, MA, I’ll be joining Harry Foster and other Mentor experts for a half-day seminar to share with you some ideas on how to advance your verification methodology. I’ll be giving a brief UVM overview and then showing how you can easily incorporate QVIP components into your UVM environment to be more productive and more effective in verifying any standard protocols in your DUT. I’ll also show how Portable Stimulus can use the QVIP/UVM infrastructure to let you create more complex scenarios and automatically hit your coverage goals. It should be a great day and I hope those of you in the Massachusetts area will be able to join us.

Tom Fitzpatrick

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at