Thought Leadership

OVM Cookbook Available from

logo_OVM Companion OVM Cookbook Examples Kit also offered for download

Several months ago, the OVM Cookbook and the Examples Kit were made available for online use at the Verification Academy.  This proved to be a great help to accelerate the skill level of new OVM users.  Given the number of new projects that have deployed OVM and the number of new engineers that now need to use OVM, there is increased demand for practical and useful information found in the Cookbook.

One can see the OVM World community continues to grow.  The same needs from that community to invest in bettering their OVM knowledge and skills is just as needed as those who are members of the Verification Academy.  For that reason, we are making the OVM Cookbook and the Examples Kit available for free download from

OVM-Cookbook-web The OVM Cookbook, authored by Mentor Graphics’ Mark Glasser, is written, as he says, for engineers that want to “jump right into a new technology.”  While there is a general disdain for reading long reference guides or operation manuals, engineers are comfortable to read how-to books that have concrete examples that can be applied to their problems.  Later, when needed, engineers might return to theory of operation manuals to move to an advanced understanding of something.

The OVM Cookbook was designed as that introductory guide that makes it easier to plunge into OVM right away.

With the large rise in OVM users, we make the Cookbook and examples available fee-free and without the need to register on OVM World.  You can keep a softcopy on your computer for easy access and reference, your PDF ready e-reader, or you can print it if you prefer to annotate a hardcopy as you use it.  However you want to use the Cookbook, it is your free practical guide to OVM.

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at