Thought Leadership

DVCon: The Present and the Future

systemcday2011curveOpen SystemC Initiative Tackles the Future

If you have examined the DVCon program, you know that it is a week full of the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM).  And I certainly encourage those with an interest in UVM to attend the Monday tutorial and the technical conference the next few days.  But you may also want to bring a colleague to attend the SystemC Day activities.

For SystemC Day at DVCon, the morning session is the North American SystemC Users Group (NASCUG) meeting that features a Keynote presentation by industry luminary Jim Hogan.

Jim HoganJim’s keynote will be on “Navigating the SoC Era.”  NASCUG attendance is free, but you need to register to attend.

Jim Hogan will discuss the semiconductor industry’s growing adoption of SoC design, and its reliance on diverse sources of hardware and software IP, developed both internally and externally.

After considering recent survey data on both IP and verification drivers, Hogan will discuss the challenges that design and verification teams face for impacted areas such as design assembly and verification.

In the afternoon, a tutorial on software-driven verification titled Software-Driven Verification Using TLM-2.0 Virtual Platforms will be presented by experts from the OSCI, Accellera and the user community that are using standards-based methodologies in production today.  The afternoon tutorial requires registration at the DVCon website.  The tutorial is free for conference attendees.  A small fee is charged for those who wish to attend this tutorial only.  Is software-driven verification in your future?  Chances are highly likely it is and I suggest you look at attending this event.

I’ll see you there!

Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at