Thought Leadership

New UVM Recipe-of-the-Month: Sequence Layering

I’m excited to announce that our second UVM Recipe-of-the-Month Webinar, “Sequence Layering,” will be presented on Thursday, September 15, at 1pm EDT(/10am PDT). To join over 240 of your colleagues and/or competitors in viewing this webinar, please see here. The webinar should take about an hour. If you can’t make it for the live viewing, the webinar will be archived for later viewing. Of course, if you attend the live session, you’ll be able to ask questions directly.

Last month’s inaugural Recipe-of-the-Month webinar, “OVM to UVM Migration” was a huge success and is now available online. If you have any questions about it, feel free to post them in the Forum.

Hope to “see” you on Thursday!
Verification Evangelist
Editor, Verification Horizons
Mentor Graphics

Tom Fitzpatrick


One thought about “New UVM Recipe-of-the-Month: Sequence Layering
  • HI Tom,

    I tried the code from cookbook and I noticed that all the seqence item are the same. I also tried to define the seqence item in the upper layer to be extended from the lower layer and it also work. I think it shows better example that sequence item itself can be sync’d to the layer.


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