Portable Stimulus: Are you Ready for a Verification Revolution?

Portable Stimulus: Are you Ready for a Verification Revolution?

Depending on the revolution and who you happen to be within it, revolution is a risk to avoid at all…

Portable Stimulus and the Prius Model of New Technology Adoption

Portable Stimulus and the Prius Model of New Technology Adoption

Tesla and the New Technology Adoption Curve Over the past few years, I’ve noted with interest the increasing number of…

Taking the First Step in Portable Stimulus Adoption

Taking the First Step in Portable Stimulus Adoption

As the Chinese proverb says, “A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step”. The first steps of…

It Don’t Mean a Thing … Without Methodology

It Don’t Mean a Thing … Without Methodology

Okay, so not nearly as catchy a title as the inspiration, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about as I’ve…

Better Virtual Sequences with Portable Stimulus

Better Virtual Sequences with Portable Stimulus

If you’ve used UVM for verification, you’ve almost certainly worked with virtual sequences. Once our needs for verification stimulus go…

Prospecting for Reusable Assets with Portable Stimulus

Prospecting for Reusable Assets with Portable Stimulus

You may have verification information in your organization that you can use now to jump-start creation of portable stimulus models…

Applying Portable Stimulus at DAC

Applying Portable Stimulus at DAC

It’s that time of year once again – DAC is just around the corner! I’m very excited to be able…

Portable Test – Portable Intent, Portable Realization, or Both?

Portable Test – Portable Intent, Portable Realization, or Both?

The Accellera Portable Stimulus Working Group (PSWG) has been hard at work defining a language specification for capturing portable test…

Developing Tests in Reverse with Portable Stimulus

Developing Tests in Reverse with Portable Stimulus

Whether developing tests for software or hardware, test development seems to follow a pretty predictable process: learn about the thing…