IEEE Announces Revision to IEEE 1666™ – Adds Transaction-Level Modeling Support A significant step forward to address standards for advanced…
Legacy’s Luster Lost As a follow-on to my last blog, where I shared information about Harry Foster speaking live about…
Is Legacy Holding You Back? Harry Foster, Mentor’s Verification Chief Scientist, will take center stage to give live presentations on…
System Standards Worlds Initiate Unification Accellera, who brought us SystemVerilog, and the Open SystemC Imitative (OSCI), who brought us SystemC…
How do your favorites rank? Have you ever wondered how popular the different IEEE standards for electronic design automation are?…
Language and Library Trends This blog is a continuation of a series of blogs, which present the highlights from the…
Wally Rhines DVCon 2011 Keynote Highlights Survey on Verification Languages OK, maybe it is not the Dawning of the Age…
Somebody asked me a simple question: Why do need two different macros (`ovm_object_utils and `ovm_object_param_utils) to register classes with the…
IEEE Standards Association Hosts Design Automation Standardization Workshops in Bangalore & Delhi I, along with several other individuals, will participate…