
Shine Like a STAR: Educate, Certify, Build Your Brand – A Digital Badging Story From Siemens EDA

“A Star…. YOU are going to be a STAR!” These were the words my first manager used when he went out of his way to open an additional requisition to hire me.  Years after, as a leader of a large organization, I still think about the impact he has had in my career!  The investment he made in providing an environment with a healthy mix of continuous learning and challenging work made me want to give 110% to my company and always “reach for the stars” with my career goals.  Having your employees feel great about the work they do, wanting to be the best and, in turn, gaining the ability to accomplish great things for your company, is the power that investing in your employees’ education will provide.

Here at Siemens EDA, we are proud to introduce Level 1 Certification for our courses along with a Digital Badge authenticated & easily sharable on Social Media.  Years ago, you had to attend a live, in-person class and then come back to your office with a paper certificate and proudly hang it up on your office wall. We now live among a generation of engineers familiar with taking training online “24×7”, that are comfortable with taking exams online, and who love to share their accomplishments and good news on Social media. 

With Siemens EDA Level 1 Certification, we are ensuring that engineering knowledge has been attained by our students as they participate in our classes.  This certification is available for all customers, university students, and internal employees upon successful completion of certification exams designed to test the learners’ mastery without the stress of any consequences or “punishment” (phew!)  Students may take the test again if they need to go back and figure out what they’ve missed.  Once the learner feels confident with a course, and they are ready to test their knowledge, they can attempt the test. When they pass, they can claim their digital badge, and are then free to share it on their favorite social media site (e.g. LinkedIn) or include it on their email signature. 

As they say, for sure we all “own our own careers”.  As engineers, we need to invest in ourselves through continuous learning.  Unlike other professions where one can get good at something and keep doing it, we MUST stay on top of the ever-changing technology.  This is where certification and badging come into play to help us make learning interesting and to help sharing our accomplishments authentic, easy to share, and verifiable.   

Be sure to check our @oneGlance Maps for all the offerings that include a Level 1 Digital Badge.  Read more about our Level 1 Certification and stay tuned for more offerings and Level 2 certification coming later in 2022. 

Sharing your accomplishments and “shining like a star” are made easy with Siemens EDA Digital Badges!


Massoud Eghtessad

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at