
Journey From Unemployment to Being a Recognized Certified Technical Contributor

“Education is the movement from darkness to light”, wrote 20th century scholar Allan Bloom. The past couple of years have brought about unprecedented challenges.  So, if the job market has been unkind and you are looking for a fresh start, we at Siemens EDA training have some good news for you!  Our Displaced Worker Program can be your guiding light towards a bright future.  The displaced worker program has now expanded to offer not only complimentary self-paced training for displaced designers and engineers but also certification and badging.

Once admitted, qualified candidates can select up to two courses from our on-demand course catalog. After finishing the course, they can take the associated certification exam and claim their digital badge.  With badges that are authenticated and easily sharable on social media, you will be adding credibility to your resume and communicating your expertise to your network and potential employers.  By passing a certification exam and earning a digital badge, you will build your personal brand and by sharing your badges on LinkedIn and other social media, you will increase your chances to get noticed and to find that perfect match with the right job opportunity. 

Reach out to us to learn more about the Displaced Worker Program.  Be sure to visit our Digital Badging and Certification page to learn more about this new program. What better time than the beginning of a new year to brush up on your skills and to find that next perfect opportunity! 

Author:  Weaam A. Younis, Lead Customer Training Engineer, Siemens EDA Learning Services

Massoud Eghtessad

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