
Customer Testimonial

We are happy when our customers take the time to tell us how much they appreciate an aspect of our training offerings. The following feedback is from a user at a large telecom company who took advantage of the WECARE training program during the COVID-19 pandemic. This program that started in March 2020 and expired on June 30th enabled customers to subscribe to On-Demand (ODT) training libraries of their choice one month for free:

“I hope you are all well. I wanted to send you my personal and deep thanks for Mentor’s initiative to make the courses available to its customers during this period. Although I am taking the opportunity to follow these trainings every evening when possible (during the day I need to work …), I was able to appreciate the extreme professionalism that lies behind these courses, which are very well done and even better managed. Furthermore, even though I have been using your tools for years, I have been able to discover many new things and many functions that I did not know or did not use well. This once again confirms the quality of Mentor products and the level of innovation that lies behind each new release. I will be more embarrassed in the future to ask for discounts, given the level of new (or unknown to me) functions that I am discovering. All this confirms once again the importance of training to make full use of your tools. Personally, I have had the opportunity to attend a training with you in the past and I remain of the idea that instructor-led training is always the best. We hope to be able to restart all the activities again as soon as possible. Please extend this thanks to those who decided to take this initiative within the company I thank you and take this opportunity to bring you the best wishes for a Happy Easter”

Massoud Eghtessad

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at