
Part 3: How can technology advance any surfer’s skills?

In part two of our Surf Loch series, How do you create a digital twin of an ocean wave?, we discussed how combining the real and digital worlds allowed Surf Loch to create the feel of an ocean wave inside a pool.

Furthermore, through tools like Teamcenter and MindSphere, Surf Loch could manage their data, monitor their systems and optimize their technology in real time. Now, we’re going to discuss how these technologies help customize the perfect waves based on the rider’s goals.

The primary markets that use Surf Loch’s wave systems are resorts and waterparks. They can also convert existing water park wave pools to work with their wave systems. The Surf Loch team discovered new opportunities to sell their wave pools in the private market.

Surf Loch can customize waves based on a surfer’s skill level and desired wave

It’s becoming clear that the cost of technology combined with the ability to create a small pool has made it possible for companies and individuals to have a wave pool on their premises.

Customization based on the size, location and intent is a critical factor in the Surf Loch business model.

From a commercial perspective, the buyer of a Surf Loch pool is looking for something that is highly marketable, with high user throughput capacity and the ability to put a large volume of riders through so they can generate revenue per person. Because the surfer will vary in skill level, from first-time riders to professional surfers, it must also be safe, robust and reliable.

On top of customizing the wave pools to meet the business needs, Surf Loch also must ensure their equipment creates at least ten different categories of waves for the end-user, including barreling waves, longboard waves, right waves, left waves, point break waves, sand bar waves, etc. Each one of these waves have their own characteristics. Surf Loch can replicate almost every one of those characteristics with a single machine without having to change anything but the information in the motion control software, which can be done instantly.

How do you advance any surfer’s skills?

The dream is for every surfer to be able to choose their own wave on the fly, in a public setting with no technical experience. They should be able to walk out of the water, with wet fingers and wet hair, approach a kiosk or panel, push some buttons and have their next wave personalized for them, all unsupervised.

“We’re able to send a variety of types of waves on demand that would suit a whole range of users from advanced to beginner. The versatility and the scalability of our technology is really exciting.”

Bryan Behr, director of project and process development at Surf Loch

This concludes part three in our series. In Part 4: How do you expand the geographic limitations of surfing?, we’ll discuss how Surf Loch can bring their technology and their wave pools systems to anyone, anywhere — including the middle of the desert.

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Steven Hartman

Steve Hartman is a Thought Leadership writer for Siemens PLM Software. Steve’s experience is varied spanning the automotive, financial, real estate, travel and sporting goods industries as well as having written four published novels and co-wrote a memoir. He has a wife, three kids, two dogs, a cat and a rabbit. And still, he carves out time to read, watch movies and write.

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