
Xcelerator as a Service: one giant leap into the digital future

In July 1969, the world was glued to their television sets. A 38-year-old Ohioan was going to be the first person in history to step foot on the moon and launch a giant leap for mankind. The imaginations of those watching were ignited.

Suddenly, anything felt possible.

That single event was the culmination of thousands of people working across hundreds of companies and government agencies using modern technology to build, launch, and monitor the success of Apollo 11.

Visionaries and innovators heeded the call to solve this complex and complicated puzzle by the end of the decade.

Today, Xcelerator as a Service (XaaS) launches, answering the calls to solve complexity and complicated problems for companies around the globe. And, it promises a grand new giant leap into a digital future.

Siemens has a rich history of supplying companies with the software and services necessary to accomplish what was once deemed impossible.

Siemens didn’t invent the Mars Rover. It didn’t build the foundations of the autonomous vehicle. And, it didn’t create a COVID-19 vaccine. However, via the power of the Xcelerator portfolio, it did provide innovators the advanced technology and digital tools required to make dreams a reality, reach new worlds, and save lives.

Xcelerator as a Service goes one giant leap further into the digital future.

Imagine what you can accomplish when you empower your teams with the best engineering technology, IoT-analytic capabilities, simulation tools, and low-code application development?

In an instant, anything the visionary imagines becomes an option with Xcelerator as a Service.

Easier to innovate

Starting now and continuing into the future, companies will be able to collaborate better, create faster, and witness their dreams become a reality in ways that were previously unimagined thanks to the power of XaaS.

How will mankind benefit from this new, grand step?

Who will invent the next medical device that saves countless lives?

What company will build the first environmentally-sustainable electric aircraft?

Xcelerator as a Service is for everyone — whether it be the smallest of startups or massive global enterprises — it is here for one and all. And, there’s no stopping what you can envision when you have the best technology and brightest talent on your side.

Start your journey here.

Steven Hartman

Steve Hartman is a Thought Leadership writer for Siemens PLM Software. Steve’s experience is varied spanning the automotive, financial, real estate, travel and sporting goods industries as well as having written four published novels and co-wrote a memoir. He has a wife, three kids, two dogs, a cat and a rabbit. And still, he carves out time to read, watch movies and write.

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